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Born in Belo Horizonte and based in Lisbon, Diego Bragà  is a trans non-binary Luso-Brazilian theatre-maker, filmmaker, composer and writer. They keep their birth name as proof of love and trust for their parents.

They just finished their film Cleópatra & António, a queer decolonial version of Shakespeare’s tragedy supported by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. In 2021, for an autobiographical film, they received the fellowship for future filmmakers from the Sundance Institute and their film, Think About The Beautiful Future Ahead is currently in the Op-Docs of The New York Times. In Brazil, they received many awards during Dilma Rousseff's government as one of the representatives of young contemporary Brazilian artists.

As a child, Diego Bragà’s grandma gave them flowers in a forest and taught them how to pray for nature. Since then, they listen to the universe, striving for a sensual, fluid, prosperous and beautiful future ahead.

Project: We at the nightclub suffer together is an androgynous opera to welcome broken hearts at the end of the night and to celebrate the idea of a beautiful future together.