A common theme, "Radicality, a long-term transformation towards diversity?", was chosen in Lisbon in February 2023. Taking different paths and applying different methodologies, they have been in an ongoing dialogue with the other groups. We have chosen to deeply anchor this theme in our practices,practices undergoing transformation, practices that are resolutely plural, given that fields of exploration and methodologies differ according to the partners and cities involved.
During regular online meetings and an annual meeting at one of the partners’ premises, experiences are shared, as are successes, dead ends, good (and sometimes not so good) practices, doubts, what works, and what doesn’t... On 20 November 2023, the 6 groups came together at Culturgest in Lisbon to talk about the implemented processes and to share questions, ideas, practices and recipes.
- Good Practices Factory in Bobigny
- Good Practices Factory in Brussels
- Good Practices Factory in Lisbon
- Good Practices Factory in Stockholm
- Good Practices Factory in Cologne
- Good Practices Factory in Warszawa
Each year, a bilingual guide to good practices will be published on our website.
The Good Practices Factory 2023 handbook is now available!
This first edition takes stock of each partner's actions and reflections on diverse themes: representativeness, access policies, internal dynamics, possible discriminations within teams...
Between a space for dissonance and a sounding board, it bears witness to the issues that drive the teams at the MC93, Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles, Culturgest, Riksteatern, africologne and TR Warszawa on a daily basis.
Find details of each partner’s past and future activities, interviews with artists, academics and team members, articles and bibliographical references...
© Sylvain Lefeuvre